Method List For iOS RTMP SDK
This article lists all the methods available in the iOS version of Streamaxia OpenSDK for RTMP Streaming.
The OpenSDK delivers RTMP streaming capabilities to native mobile apps. The SDK will encode the audio and video captured byb the device and will stream it to a RTMP server, like Wowza.
AVCaptureDevice(DeviceCapabilities) Category Reference
Detailed Description
Utils for determining the device capabilities.
Method Documentation
◆ configureForHighestFrameRate()
– (void) configureForHighestFrameRate
Configures this device for the highest frame rate. This method will set the active format and reset the session preset to Input Priority.
◆ isFrameRateSupported:()
– (BOOL) isFrameRateSupported: (NSInteger) frameRate
Determines if the given frame rate is supported by this device.
frameRate The frame rate.
YES if the frame rate is supported, NO otherwise.
◆ isResolutionSupported:()
– (BOOL) isResolutionSupported: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Determines if the given standard resolution is supported by this device.
resolution The resolution.
YES if the resolution is supported, NO otherwise.
◆ isVideoFrameSizeSupported:()
– (BOOL) isVideoFrameSizeSupported: (AXVideoFrameSize) frameSize
Determines if the given video frame size is supported by this device.
frameSize The video frame size.
YES if the frame size is supported, NO otherwise.
Property Documentation
◆ bestSupportedFrameRateNSRange
– (NSRange) bestSupportedFrameRateNSRange
Returns the best frame rate range that is supported by this device. The range’s location is the min frame rate, and the length is the max frame rate.
◆ bestSupportedFrameRateRange
– (AVFrameRateRange*) bestSupportedFrameRateRange
Returns the best AVFrameRateRange that is supported by this device.
◆ bestSupportedSessionPreset
– (NSString*) bestSupportedSessionPreset
Returns the best supported session preset by this device.
◆ supportedResolutions
– (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) supportedResolutions
Returns the list of resolutions that are supported by this device. The resolutions are boxed AXVideoFrameResolution.
◆ supportedVideoFrameSizes
– (NSArray<NSValue *>*) supportedVideoFrameSizes
Returns the list of video frame sizes that are supported by this device. The frame sizes are boxed values of AXVideoFrameSize.
AXDebug Class Reference
Method Documentation
◆ debug()
+ (instancetype) debug
Factory method for creating a debug object.
The initialized object.
◆ stringFromRecorderSettings:()
– (NSString *) stringFromRecorderSettings: (AXRecorderSettings *) settings
Returns a debug string representation for the given recorder settings.
settings The recorder settings.
The string representation.
◆ stringFromStreamInfo:()
– (NSString *) stringFromStreamInfo: (AXStreamInfo *) streamInfo
Returns a debug string representation for the given stream info.
streamInfo The stream info.
The string representation.
Property Documentation
◆ importedCertificatePreview
– (NSString*) importedCertificatePreview
The imported certificate preview. This contains some useful info and it should be used just for debugging purposes.
◆ originalCertificatePreview
– (NSString*) originalCertificatePreview
The original (exported) certificate preview. This contains some useful info and it should be used just for debugging purposes.
AXError Class Reference
Detailed Description
The SDK error.
Method Documentation
◆ containsErrorCode:()
– (BOOL) containsErrorCode: (AXErrorCode) errorCode
Check if this error contains a certain error code.
errorCode The error code.
YES if the error code is present, NO otherwise.
◆ errorWithCodes:message:()
+ (instancetype) errorWithCodes: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *) errorCodes
message: (NSString *) message
Factory method for creating an error object with a list of error codes and a message.
errorCodes The error codes, wrapped as numbers.
message The error message.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ errorCodes
– (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) errorCodes
The list of error codes, wrapped as numbers.
◆ errors
– (NSString*) errors
The list of errors, as a readable string.
◆ message
– (NSString*) message
The error message.
◆ userInfo
– (id) userInfo
A custom info object that can be attached to the error.
AXInfo Class Reference
Detailed Description
The SDK info.
Method Documentation
◆ containsInfoCode:()
– (BOOL) containsInfoCode: (AXInfoCode) infoCode
Determines if the info contains a certain info code.
infoCode The info code.
YES if the info code is present, NO otherwise.
◆ infoWithCodes:message:()
+ (instancetype) infoWithCodes: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *) infoCodes
message: (NSString *) message
Factory method for creating an info object with a list of info codes and a message.
infoCodes The info codes, wrapped as numbers.
message The info message.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ infoCodes
– (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) infoCodes
The list of info codes, wrapped as numbers.
◆ infos
– (NSString*) infos
The list of infos, as a readable string.
◆ message
– (NSString*) message
The info message.
AXLicenceInfo Class Reference
Detailed Description
The licence info. Stores useful information about the SDK licence.
Method Documentation
◆ licenceInfo()
+ (instancetype) licenceInfo
Factory method for creating a licence info object.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ didLoadLicence
– (BOOL) didLoadLicence
Returns YES if the licence was loaded.
◆ hasExpired
– (BOOL) hasExpired
Returns YES if the licence for the SDK expired, NO otherwise.
◆ hasValidBundleID
– (BOOL) hasValidBundleID
Returns YES if the SDK has a list of locked bundle IDs, and the current bundle ID is in the list. If the SDK is not locked to work only on certain bundle IDs, this property returns YES always.
AXReachability Class Reference
Detailed Description
The network reachability monitor.
Method Documentation
◆ debugDescription()
– (NSString *) debugDescription
Get the object description, for debug purposes. Use this for debugging.
The object description.
◆ debugFlagsString()
– (NSString *) debugFlagsString
Get the network flags as a string. Use this for debugging.
The flags string.
◆ reachabilityForInternetConnection()
+ (instancetype) reachabilityForInternetConnection
Factory method for creating a network reachability object for monitoring internet reachability.
The initialized object.
◆ reachabilityForLocalWiFi()
+ (instancetype) reachabilityForLocalWiFi
Factory method for creating a network reachability object, for monitoring internet reachability on WiFi only.
The initialized object.
◆ reachabilityWithHostAddress:()
+ (instancetype) reachabilityWithHostAddress: (void *) hostAddress
Factory method for creating a network reachability object, using a host address.
hostAddress The host address (a reference to a sockaddr_in variable).
The initialized object.
◆ reachabilityWithHostName:()
+ (instancetype) reachabilityWithHostName: (NSString *) hostName
Factory method for creating a network reachability object, using a host name.
hostName The host name (e.g.
The initialized object.
◆ startMonitoringNetworkStatus()
– (BOOL) startMonitoringNetworkStatus
Start monitoring the network status updates. To be informed about the changes, either subscribe to the notifications (kAXReachabilityDidChangeNotification) or use the desired blocks to monitor the changes (networkDidBecomeReachableBlock, networkDidBecomeUnreachableBlock or networkDidChangeReachabilityBlock).
YES if the monitoring was started with success, NO otherwise.
◆ stopMonitoringNetworkStatus()
– (void) stopMonitoringNetworkStatus
Stop monitoring the network status updates.
Property Documentation
◆ currentReachabilityStatus
– (AXNetworkStatus) currentReachabilityStatus
The current network reachability status.
◆ currentReachabilityString
– (NSString*) currentReachabilityString
The current network reachability, as a readable string.
◆ didStartMonitoringNetworkStatus
– (BOOL) didStartMonitoringNetworkStatus
Returns YES if the monitoring of network status was started.
◆ isConnectionOnDemand
– (BOOL) isConnectionOnDemand
Rturns YES if the connection required is on-demand (it is not dynamic).
◆ isConnectionRequired
– (BOOL) isConnectionRequired
Returns YES if a connection is required.
◆ isReachable
– (BOOL) isReachable
Returns YES if the network is reachable (either on cellular or WiFi).
◆ isReachableOnWiFi
– (BOOL) isReachableOnWiFi
Returns YES if the network is reachable on the local WiFi.
◆ isReachableOnWWAN
– (BOOL) isReachableOnWWAN
Returns YES if the network is reachable on the cellular network.
◆ isUserInteractionRequired
– (BOOL) isUserInteractionRequired
Returns YES if the user intervetion is required to make a connection.
◆ networkDidBecomeReachableBlock
– (void(^ networkDidBecomeReachableBlock) (AXNetworkStatus status))
The block called when the network becomes reachable. The monitoring must be on in order to be notified of network status changes.
◆ networkDidBecomeUnreachableBlock
– (void(^ networkDidBecomeUnreachableBlock) (void))
The block called when the network becomes unreachable. The monitoring must be on in order to be notified of network status changes.
◆ networkDidChangeReachabilityBlock
– (void(^ networkDidChangeReachabilityBlock) (AXNetworkStatus status))
The block called when the network reachability status changes. The monitoring must be on in order to be notified of network status changes.
AXRecorder Class Reference
Detailed Description
The recorder class.
Method Documentation
◆ activateFeatureAdaptiveBitRateWithError:()
– (void) activateFeatureAdaptiveBitRateWithError: (AXError **) error
Starts the adaptive bitrate service. If a constant bit rates were set they are ignored while adaptive bitrate is started.
error Error object is set with an error code and a message if somethings goes wrong with the activation.
Provided by category AXRecorder(ExtraFeatures).
◆ activateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError:()
– (void) activateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError: (AXError **) error
Activate the save locally feature. To be able to use this feature you must add photos privacy key in your Info.plist: <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>Some message.</string> The save locally feature can be activated only when the player is stopped, otherwise an error is returned. After calling this method when a stream is started it will autmatically be saved. When the stream is stopped it will be shared to the Photos app and camera roll.
error Error object is set with an error code and a message if somethings goes wrong with the activation.
Provided by category AXRecorder(ExtraFeatures).
◆ changeAudioSampleRate:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeAudioSampleRate: (NSInteger) audioSampleRate
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change the current audio sample rate setting. It is recommended however to use 44100 Hz. The audio sample rate is not allowed to be changed while streaming.
audioSampleRate The new audio sample rate.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeFrameRate:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeFrameRate: (NSInteger) frameRate
withCompletion: (void(^)(NSInteger validFrameRate)) completionBlock
Change the frame rate (in fps). The frame rate is allowed to be changed while streaming.
If the new frame rate is not supported, the value is clamped into the supported ranges. The new frame rate is returned in the completion block.
frameRate The new frame rate.
completionBlock The completion block.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeKeyFrameInterval:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeKeyFrameInterval: (NSInteger) keyFrameInterval
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change the key frame interval for the video codec. The key frame interval is not allowed to be changed while streaming.
keyFrameInterval The new key frame interval (in frames).
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeRecorderSettings:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeRecorderSettings: (AXRecorderSettings *) settings
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change and apply the recorder settings. This is not allowed while streaming.
settings The recorder settings.
completionBlock The completion block.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeRecordingMode:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeRecordingMode: (AXRecordingMode) recordingMode
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Changes the recording mode. Use this method to mute/unmute audio or to enable/disable video. Recording mode is allowed to be changed while streaming.
The completion block returns the operation result. If change was not succesfull, the error contains the reason of the failure.
recordingMode The recording mode.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeResolutionInversion:withError:()
– (void) changeResolutionInversion: (BOOL) inverted
withError: (AXError **) error
Change resolution inversion. Set YES for portrait mode streaming, or NO for landscape.
inverted The new flag indicating whether the resolution should be inverted.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeStreamInfo:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeStreamInfo: (AXStreamInfo *) streamInfo
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change and apply the stream info. This is not allowed while streaming.
streamInfo The stream info.
completionBlock The completion block.
Provided by category AXRecorder(StreamInfo).
◆ changeTorchLevel:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeTorchLevel: (float) torchLevel
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Changes the torch level. Valid values are between 0.0 (off) and 1.0 (full brightness). The given value is clamped in the valid interval.
If an error occured and torch level can’t be set, the error info is returned in the completion block.
torchLevel The torch level.
completionBlock The completion block.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeTorchMode:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeTorchMode: (AXTorchMode) torchMode
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Enable or disable the torch (flash light).
torchMode The new value.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeVideoBitrate:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeVideoBitrate: (NSInteger) videoBitRate
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Changes the video bit rate. The value should be in bits per second (bps). The video bitrate is allowed to be changed while streaming.
videoBitRate The new vide bit rate.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeVideoOrientation:()
– (void) changeVideoOrientation: (AXVideoOrientation) videoOrientation
Change the current video orientation.
videoOrientation The new video orientation.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ changeVideoResolution:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeVideoResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change the resolution of the currently active camera. The resolution is not allowed to be changed while streaming.
If an error occured while changing the resolution, check the error for more info.
It is recommended to change only to supported resolutions. An unsupported custom resolution can be set, but the stream video quality may be degraded due to resolution conversion during the encoding and streaming.
Note* When changing the video resolution, if not using the adaptive video bit rate, it is recommended to adjust the video bit rate to the recommended settings for best quality and performance. If the video bitrate is not appropriate for the selected resolution, the video streaming quality may suffer significantly.
resolution The resolution.
completionBlock The completion block.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ deactivateFeatureAdaptiveBitRate()
– (void) deactivateFeatureAdaptiveBitRate
Stops the adaptive bitrate service.
Provided by category AXRecorder(ExtraFeatures).
◆ deactivateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError:()
– (void) deactivateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError: (AXError **) error
Deactivate the local save feature. The save locally feature can be deactivated only when the player is stopped, otherwise an error is returned.
error Error object is set with an error code and a message if somethings goes wrong with the activation.
Provided by category AXRecorder(ExtraFeatures).
◆ isCameraPresent:()
– (BOOL) isCameraPresent: (AXCamera) camera
Checks if the given camera is present on the device.
camera The camera.
YES if camera is present, NO otherwise.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ isFrameRateSupported:()
– (BOOL) isFrameRateSupported: (NSInteger) frameRate
Checks if the given frame rate is supported by the current device.
frameRate The frame rate.
YES if the frame rate is supported, NO otherwise.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ isFrameSizeSupported:()
– (BOOL) isFrameSizeSupported: (AXVideoFrameResolution) frameSize
Determines if the current active camera supports the given frame size.
frameSize The frame size.
YES if the frame size is supported, NO otherwise.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ isRecordingModeSupported:()
– (BOOL) isRecordingModeSupported: (AXRecordingMode) recordingMode
Check if the current recording mode is fully supported. This methods returns NO if at least one of the audio and video is required but the appropriate device has not been authorized to be used by the user.
recordingMode The recording mode.
YES if recording mode is fully supported, NO otherwise.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ isResolutionSupported:()
– (BOOL) isResolutionSupported: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Determines if the current active camera supports the given resolution.
resolution The resolution.
YES if the resolution is supported, NO otherwise.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ isTorchModeSupported:()
– (BOOL) isTorchModeSupported: (AXTorchMode) torchMode
Checks if the given torch mode is supported.
torchMode The torch mode.
YES if the given torch mode is supported, NO otherwise.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
◆ prepareToRecord()
– (void) prepareToRecord
Prepare to record. This must be called before startStreaming.
The capture is also started, and if the recorder has an output view, the capture output will be visible in the view.
◆ recorderWithStreamInfo:settings:()
+ (instancetype) recorderWithStreamInfo: (AXStreamInfo *) info
settings: (AXRecorderSettings *) settings
Factory method for creating a recorder object, with a stream info and recorder settings.
info The stream info.
settings The recorder settings.
The initialized object.
◆ setupWithView:()
– (instancetype) setupWithView: (UIView *) view
Setup the recorder with a custom view, in which the capture output will be displayed. This should be called before prepareToRecord. However, it is not mandatory to have an output view.
view The view.
The initialized object.
◆ startStreamingWithCompletion:()
– (void) startStreamingWithCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Starts the streaming. The completion block is returning the info about the success of this operation. If streaming couldn’t be started, then the error contains info about the reason of failure.
completionBlock The completion block.
◆ stopStreaming()
– (void) stopStreaming
Stops the streaming.
◆ switchToCamera:withCompletion:()
– (void) switchToCamera: (AXCamera) camera
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Switch the active camera to the desired camera. Active camera is allowed to be changed while streaming.
The operation may be succesfull or not. It may fail if the current resolution is not supported on the desired camera. Also the camera may not be available for other reasons. The success flag in the completion block indicates if the switch was done succesfully. If the switch operation fails, check the error to see the reason of the failure.
camera The new camera.
completionBlock The completion block.
Provided by category AXRecorder(RecorderSettings).
Property Documentation
◆ currentCamera
– (AVCaptureDevice*) currentCamera
Get the currently active camera. This can be used to determine the current camera capabilities – like frame rate, resolutions and other.
Also it can be used to set several other configuration settings. However, this should be used with care, since the streaming may be broken if some settings are changed while the streaming is running.
Provided by category AXRecorder(AdvancedSetup).
◆ hasCameraAccess
– (BOOL) hasCameraAccess
Returns YES if the recorder has access to the camera, NO otherwise.
◆ hasInternetConnection
– (BOOL) hasInternetConnection
Returns YES if the recorder has internet access, NO otherwise.
◆ hasMicrophoneAccess
– (BOOL) hasMicrophoneAccess
Returns YES if the recorder has access to the microphone, NO otherwise.
◆ info
– (AXStreamInfo*) info
The stream info.
◆ isActive
– (BOOL) isActive
Returns YES if the recorder is active and is currently recording and/or streaming.
◆ isRecording
– (BOOL) isRecording
Returns YES if the recorder has started capture, NO otherwise.
◆ isStreaming
– (BOOL) isStreaming
Returns YES if the recorder is streaming, NO otherwise.
◆ recorderDelegate
– (id<AXRecorderDelegate>) recorderDelegate
The recorder delegate.
◆ settings
– (AXRecorderSettings*) settings
The recorder settings.
◆ state
– (AXRecorderState) state
The current recorder state.
AXRecorder(AdvancedSetup) Category Reference
Property Documentation
◆ currentCamera
– (AVCaptureDevice*) currentCamera
Get the currently active camera. This can be used to determine the current camera capabilities – like frame rate, resolutions and other.
Also it can be used to set several other configuration settings. However, this should be used with care, since the streaming may be broken if some settings are changed while the streaming is running.
Extends class AXRecorder.
AXRecorder(ExtraFeatures) Category Reference
Detailed Description
The extra features category.
Method Documentation
◆ activateFeatureAdaptiveBitRateWithError:()
– (void) activateFeatureAdaptiveBitRateWithError: (AXError **) error
Starts the adaptive bitrate service. If a constant bit rates were set they are ignored while adaptive bitrate is started.
error Error object is set with an error code and a message if somethings goes wrong with the activation.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ activateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError:()
– (void) activateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError: (AXError **) error
Activate the save locally feature. To be able to use this feature you must add photos privacy key in your Info.plist: <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>Some message.</string> The save locally feature can be activated only when the player is stopped, otherwise an error is returned. After calling this method when a stream is started it will autmatically be saved. When the stream is stopped it will be shared to the Photos app and camera roll.
error Error object is set with an error code and a message if somethings goes wrong with the activation.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ deactivateFeatureAdaptiveBitRate()
– (void) deactivateFeatureAdaptiveBitRate
Stops the adaptive bitrate service.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ deactivateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError:()
– (void) deactivateFeatureSaveLocallyWithError: (AXError **) error
Deactivate the local save feature. The save locally feature can be deactivated only when the player is stopped, otherwise an error is returned.
error Error object is set with an error code and a message if somethings goes wrong with the activation.
Extends class AXRecorder.
AXRecorder(RecorderSettings) Category Reference
Method Documentation
◆ changeAudioSampleRate:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeAudioSampleRate: (NSInteger) audioSampleRate
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change the current audio sample rate setting. It is recommended however to use 44100 Hz. The audio sample rate is not allowed to be changed while streaming.
audioSampleRate The new audio sample rate.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeFrameRate:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeFrameRate: (NSInteger) frameRate
withCompletion: (void(^)(NSInteger validFrameRate)) completionBlock
Change the frame rate (in fps). The frame rate is allowed to be changed while streaming.
If the new frame rate is not supported, the value is clamped into the supported ranges. The new frame rate is returned in the completion block.
frameRate The new frame rate.
completionBlock The completion block.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeKeyFrameInterval:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeKeyFrameInterval: (NSInteger) keyFrameInterval
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change the key frame interval for the video codec. The key frame interval is not allowed to be changed while streaming.
keyFrameInterval The new key frame interval (in frames).
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeRecorderSettings:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeRecorderSettings: (AXRecorderSettings *) settings
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change and apply the recorder settings. This is not allowed while streaming.
settings The recorder settings.
completionBlock The completion block.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeRecordingMode:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeRecordingMode: (AXRecordingMode) recordingMode
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Changes the recording mode. Use this method to mute/unmute audio or to enable/disable video. Recording mode is allowed to be changed while streaming.
The completion block returns the operation result. If change was not succesfull, the error contains the reason of the failure.
recordingMode The recording mode.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeResolutionInversion:withError:()
– (void) changeResolutionInversion: (BOOL) inverted
withError: (AXError **) error
Change resolution inversion. Set YES for portrait mode streaming, or NO for landscape.
inverted The new flag indicating whether the resolution should be inverted.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeTorchLevel:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeTorchLevel: (float) torchLevel
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Changes the torch level. Valid values are between 0.0 (off) and 1.0 (full brightness). The given value is clamped in the valid interval.
If an error occured and torch level can’t be set, the error info is returned in the completion block.
torchLevel The torch level.
completionBlock The completion block.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeTorchMode:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeTorchMode: (AXTorchMode) torchMode
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Enable or disable the torch (flash light).
torchMode The new value.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeVideoBitrate:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeVideoBitrate: (NSInteger) videoBitRate
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Changes the video bit rate. The value should be in bits per second (bps). The video bitrate is allowed to be changed while streaming.
videoBitRate The new vide bit rate.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeVideoOrientation:()
– (void) changeVideoOrientation: (AXVideoOrientation) videoOrientation
Change the current video orientation.
videoOrientation The new video orientation.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ changeVideoResolution:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeVideoResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change the resolution of the currently active camera. The resolution is not allowed to be changed while streaming.
If an error occured while changing the resolution, check the error for more info.
It is recommended to change only to supported resolutions. An unsupported custom resolution can be set, but the stream video quality may be degraded due to resolution conversion during the encoding and streaming.
Note* When changing the video resolution, if not using the adaptive video bit rate, it is recommended to adjust the video bit rate to the recommended settings for best quality and performance. If the video bitrate is not appropriate for the selected resolution, the video streaming quality may suffer significantly.
resolution The resolution.
completionBlock The completion block.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ isCameraPresent:()
– (BOOL) isCameraPresent: (AXCamera) camera
Checks if the given camera is present on the device.
camera The camera.
YES if camera is present, NO otherwise.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ isFrameRateSupported:()
– (BOOL) isFrameRateSupported: (NSInteger) frameRate
Checks if the given frame rate is supported by the current device.
frameRate The frame rate.
YES if the frame rate is supported, NO otherwise.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ isFrameSizeSupported:()
– (BOOL) isFrameSizeSupported: (AXVideoFrameResolution) frameSize
Determines if the current active camera supports the given frame size.
frameSize The frame size.
YES if the frame size is supported, NO otherwise.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ isRecordingModeSupported:()
– (BOOL) isRecordingModeSupported: (AXRecordingMode) recordingMode
Check if the current recording mode is fully supported. This methods returns NO if at least one of the audio and video is required but the appropriate device has not been authorized to be used by the user.
recordingMode The recording mode.
YES if recording mode is fully supported, NO otherwise.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ isResolutionSupported:()
– (BOOL) isResolutionSupported: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Determines if the current active camera supports the given resolution.
resolution The resolution.
YES if the resolution is supported, NO otherwise.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ isTorchModeSupported:()
– (BOOL) isTorchModeSupported: (AXTorchMode) torchMode
Checks if the given torch mode is supported.
torchMode The torch mode.
YES if the given torch mode is supported, NO otherwise.
Extends class AXRecorder.
◆ switchToCamera:withCompletion:()
– (void) switchToCamera: (AXCamera) camera
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Switch the active camera to the desired camera. Active camera is allowed to be changed while streaming.
The operation may be succesfull or not. It may fail if the current resolution is not supported on the desired camera. Also the camera may not be available for other reasons. The success flag in the completion block indicates if the switch was done succesfully. If the switch operation fails, check the error to see the reason of the failure.
camera The new camera.
completionBlock The completion block.
Extends class AXRecorder.
AXRecorder(StreamInfo) Category Reference
Method Documentation
◆ changeStreamInfo:withCompletion:()
– (void) changeStreamInfo: (AXStreamInfo *) streamInfo
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Change and apply the stream info. This is not allowed while streaming.
streamInfo The stream info.
completionBlock The completion block.
Extends class AXRecorder.
<AXRecorderDelegate > Protocol Reference
Detailed Description
The recorder delegate. It provides delegate methods for state changes, infos, warnings, errors, network status and others.
Method Documentation
◆ recorder:didChangeNetworkStatus:()
– (void AXRecorderDelegate) recorder: (AXRecorder *) recorder
didChangeNetworkStatus: (AXNetworkStatus) status
It’s called when the network status has changed.
recorder The recorder.
status The new network status.
◆ recorder:didChangeState:()
– (void AXRecorderDelegate) recorder: (AXRecorder *) recorder
didChangeState: (AXRecorderState) state
It’s called when the recorder state has changed. Implement this to react to the recorder state changes and display useful UI.
recorder The recorder.
state The new state of the recorder.
◆ recorder:didReceiveError:()
– (void AXRecorderDelegate) recorder: (AXRecorder *) recorder
didReceiveError: (AXError *) error
It’s called when the recorder has received some errors.
Usually these are received when something went wrong during the streaming, invalid settings change or other misc errors have been encountered and that will cause the malfunction of the recorder.
recorder The recorder.
error The error.
◆ recorder:didReceiveInfo:()
– (void AXRecorderDelegate) recorder: (AXRecorder *) recorder
didReceiveInfo: (AXInfo *) info
It’s called when the recorder has received some info.
recorder The recorder.
info The info.
◆ recorder:didReceiveWarning:()
– (void AXRecorderDelegate) recorder: (AXRecorder *) recorder
didReceiveWarning: (AXWarning *) warning
It’s called when the recorder has received some warnings.
The warning should be monitored since they may point out incorrect settings, incorrect setups and others that may affect the correct functionality of the recorder.
recorder The recorder.
warning The warning.
◆ recorder:didUpdateStreamTime:()
– (void AXRecorderDelegate) recorder: (AXRecorder *) recorder
didUpdateStreamTime: (NSTimeInterval) deltaTime
It’s called when the recorder updates the passes time since the start of the streaming. The time passed is provided in seconds, since the start of the streaming.
recorder The recorder.
deltaTime The total time passed.
AXRecorderSettings Class Reference
Method Documentation
◆ archivedSettings()
– (NSData *) archivedSettings
Archive this object as a NSData object.
The archived data.
◆ recorderSettings()
+ (instancetype) recorderSettings
Factory method for creating a default recorder settings object.
The initialized object.
◆ recorderSettingsWithArchivedData:()
+ (instancetype) recorderSettingsWithArchivedData: (NSData *) data
Factory method for creating a recorder settings object from a previously archived data.
data The input archived data.
The initialized object.
◆ recorderSettingsWithVideoFrameSize:()
+ (instancetype) recorderSettingsWithVideoFrameSize: (AXVideoFrameResolution) frameSize
Factory method for creating a recorder settings object, with a desired frame size.
frameSize The video frame size.
The initialized object.
◆ useCustomVideoFrameSize:()
– (void) useCustomVideoFrameSize: (AXVideoFrameSize) frameSize
Explicitly sets a custom frame size and sets the videoFrameResolution property to AXVideoFrameResolutionCustom.
frameSize The custom frame size in pixels.
Property Documentation
◆ audioSampleRate
– (NSInteger) audioSampleRate
The audio sample rate. The default and recommended value is 44100 Hz.
◆ currentCamera
– (AXCamera) currentCamera
The current facing camera. The default value is AXCameraBack.
◆ frameRate
– (NSInteger) frameRate
The frames pe second to be used while streaming and recording video. The default value is 30fps.
◆ isRecordingAudio
– (BOOL) isRecordingAudio
Returns YES if the recording mode also includes audio.
◆ isRecordingVideo
– (BOOL) isRecordingVideo
Returns YES if the recording mode also includes video.
◆ keyFrameInterval
– (NSInteger) keyFrameInterval
The keyframe interval used for streaming. The default value is 30 frames.
◆ recordingMode
– (AXRecordingMode) recordingMode
The recording mode. The recorder may record only audio, only video or both video and audio. For audio recording, access to the deveice’s microphone is needed. For audio recording, access to the deveice’s camera is needed. The default value is AXRecordingModeAudioAndVideo.
◆ torchMode
– (AXTorchMode) torchMode
The torch setting while filming. The default value is AXTorchModeOff.
◆ videoBitrate
– (NSInteger) videoBitrate
The video bit rate (in bits per second). The default value is based on the videoFrameSize property.
◆ videoFrameResolution
– (AXVideoFrameResolution) videoFrameResolution
The video frame resolution. It is recommended to use the standard predefined resolutions and not the custom one. The default value is selected based on the screen size.
◆ videoFrameResolutionInverted
– (BOOL) videoFrameResolutionInverted
Flag indicating if the resolution width and height should be swapped. The default value is YES. This causes the streaming to be vertical by default. Set this property to NO to prevent that.
◆ videoFrameSize
– (AXVideoFrameSize) videoFrameSize
The video frame size, in pixels. The value is determined by the videoFrameResolution value. If AXVideoFrameResolutionCustom is used, this must be set explicitly.
◆ videoOrientation
– (AXVideoOrientation) videoOrientation
The current video orientation. The default value is AXVideoOrientationAutorotate.
AXSDKVersion Class Reference
Detailed Description
The version of the SDK. It provides info about the current version of the SDK.
Method Documentation
◆ version()
+ (instancetype) version
Factory method for creating a version object.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ build
– (NSString*) build
The build string.
◆ longString
– (NSString*) longString
The long string representation for the current SDK version. It looks like this: v<major>.<minor>.<patch> (build <build>).
◆ major
– (NSInteger) major
The SDK’s major version.
◆ minor
– (NSInteger) minor
The SDK’s minor version.
◆ patch
– (NSInteger) patch
The SDK’s patch version.
◆ shortString
– (NSString*) shortString
The short string representation for the current SDK version. It looks like this: v<major>.<minor>.<patch>.
AXStreamaxiaSDK Class Reference
Detailed Description
The Streamer SDK. It is the main object for the StreamaxiaSDK and wraps up the initialization and configuration of the SDK.
In order to use the Streamer SDK, grab the AXStreamaxiaSDK singleton instance, and then setup the SDK using one of the provided setup methods (default configuration or configuration from a custom URL). Make sure that the .config and .key files are either added in the main bundle, or are present as a custom bundle. If the latter, then the custom bundle’s URL should be used as the custom URL.
The status of the SDK can pe checked using -debugPrintSDKStatus, in order to investigate faulty initizations. It also provides info about the expiration date of the licence, the features and the list of valid bundle IDs that can be used with the current configuration, if any.
SDK Features ***
The SDK may provide certain features and can be checked if they are available using the -getAvailableFeatures method. If a feature is not available, calling the subsequent related APIs will have no effect and will also generate some warnings in the console.
Trial Versions and Limited time licences ***
The SDK may be a trial version or it may have a limited time licence. You may check if the licence has expired by using the -hasExpired property.
Bundle ID lock ***
The SDK may be configured to work only for certain bundle IDs. You may check if the current bundle ID is valid to be used with the SDK by using the -hasValidBundleID property.
Method Documentation
◆ debugPrintSDKStatus()
– (void) debugPrintSDKStatus
Print the Streamer SDK status. Use this for debug, to see details regarding expiration dates, locked bundles, available features. Here will be displayed also if the SDK was successfully loaded.
◆ getAvailableFeatures()
– (NSSet<NSNumber *> *) getAvailableFeatures
Get the available features. The features will be returned as a set of AXSDKFeature (boxed as NSNumber).
The set of available features.
◆ providesFeature:()
– (BOOL) providesFeature: (AXSDKFeature) feature
Check if a certain feature is provided by the current SDK configuration.
feature The SDK feature.
YES if the feature is available, NO otherwise.
◆ setupSDKWithCompletion:()
– (void) setupSDKWithCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Setups StreamaxiaSDK with the default configuration. The configuration and licence key will be searched in the main bundle.
The completion block is called when the SDK has finished loading the configuration. Another option to monitor the completion is to listen for the kAXSDKDidLoadConfigNotification notification.
completionBlock The completion block.
◆ setupSDKWithURL:withCompletion:()
– (void) setupSDKWithURL: (NSURL *) url
withCompletion: (void(^)(BOOL success, AXError *error)) completionBlock
Setups StreamaxiaSDK, with a custom URL. The configuration and licence key will be searched at the given URL.
The completion block is called when the SDK has finished loading the configuration. Another option to monitor the completion is to listen for the kAXSDKDidLoadConfigNotification notification.
url The custom url.
completionBlock The completion block.
◆ sharedInstance()
+ (instancetype) sharedInstance
The shared instance of this singleton object.
Make sure that the setupSDK or setupSDKWithURL: is called before using the SDK.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ isConfiguredProperly
– (BOOL) isConfiguredProperly
Returns YES if the SDK is properly configured. This means that the config and the licence key were both valid. If this is NO, then make sure that you are using a valid certificate and licence key. Also make sure that the certificate and licence key are present at the URL that was used to setup the StreamaxiaSDK.
This property returns NO if the SDK was not yet configured.
◆ licence
– (AXLicenceInfo*) licence
The licence info. Use this to check if the bundle id is valid, or licence is expired.
◆ version
– (AXSDKVersion*) version
Returns the SDK version.
AXStreamInfo Class Reference
Detailed Description
The model wrapping the stream info. It is mandatory to set the server address, the application name and the stream name.
Method Documentation
◆ secureStreamInfo()
+ (instancetype) secureStreamInfo
Factory method for creating default stream info, using RTMPS protocol.
The initialized object.
◆ streamInfo()
+ (instancetype) streamInfo
Factory method for creating default stream info, using RTMP protocol.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ applicationName
– (NSString*) applicationName
The application name. This must be mandatory set.
◆ customStreamURL
– (NSURL*) customStreamURL
The custom URL.
◆ customStreamURLString
– (NSString*) customStreamURLString
The custom URL string. Use this property to setup a streaming URL that doesn’t conform with the standard “serverAddress/applicationName/streamName”.
If the streaming URL is standrad, (<protocol>://serverAddress/applicationName/streamName) it is recommended to use the serverAddress, applicationName and streamName in order to build the URL.
◆ password
– (NSString*) password
The password for the streaming server. Defaults to empty string.
◆ serverAddress
– (NSString*) serverAddress
The server address (e.g. This must be mandatory set.
◆ streamName
– (NSString*) streamName
The stream name. This must be mandatory set.
◆ streamURL
– (NSURL*) streamURL
The full stream URL.
◆ streamURLString
– (NSString*) streamURLString
The full stream URL string. It is formed like this: <protocol>://user:pass/applicationName/streamName. (e.g. rtmp://
◆ username
– (NSString*) username
The user name for the streaming server. Defaults to empty string.
◆ usesCustomURL
– (BOOL) usesCustomURL
Returns YES if the customStreamURLString property is set to non empty value.
◆ useSecureConnection
– (BOOL) useSecureConnection
If set to YES, will use RTMPS protocol, otherwise will use RTMP. The default value is NO.
AXStreamSource Class Reference
Detailed Description
Represents a connection to a streaming server.
Property Documentation
◆ delegate
– (id<AXStreamSourceDelegate>) delegate
The stream source delegate.
◆ on
– (BOOL) on
Establishes/closes connection to server.
◆ streamInfo
– (AXStreamInfo*) streamInfo
Connection details. This object must be set to provide the source required information about the server, such as URL, authentication, etc.
<AXStreamSourceDelegate > Protocol Reference
Detailed Description
Stream source delegate. Can be used to receive the status of a particular source.
Method Documentation
◆ streamSource:didFailConnectingWithError:()
– (void AXStreamSourceDelegate) streamSource: (AXStreamSource *) streamSource
didFailConnectingWithError: (AXError *) error
Called if an error occurrs while connecting. This can happen when the on property is set YES.
streamSource The stream source.
◆ streamSourceDidCloseConnection:()
– (void AXStreamSourceDelegate) streamSourceDidCloseConnection: (AXStreamSource *) streamSource
Called if the connection is closed. This happens when the on property is set NO.
streamSource The stream source.
◆ streamSourceDidConnect:()
– (void AXStreamSourceDelegate) streamSourceDidConnect: (AXStreamSource *) streamSource
Called after the stream source successfully connected to the server. If the stream source cannot connect to the server, this method is never called.
streamSource The stream source.
◆ streamSourceDidDisconnect:()
– (void AXStreamSourceDelegate) streamSourceDidDisconnect: (AXStreamSource *) streamSource
Called after the stream source disconnected from the server. This might happen from various reasons, for instance if the internet connection is lost.
streamSource The stream source.
AXUtils Class Reference
Detailed Description
The utils class. Provides useful properties and methods to use along with the streaming SDK.
Method Documentation
◆ bitrateForResolution:()
– (NSInteger) bitrateForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the optimal bit rate for the given resolution.
resolution The resolution
The optimal bit rate, in bps.
Provided by category AXUtils(Bitrate).
◆ clampBitrate:forResolution:()
– (NSInteger) clampBitrate: (NSInteger) bitrate
forResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Clamps the given bit rate between the recommended minimum and maximum bit rate values, for the given resolution.
The input bit rate should be in bits per second (bps).
bitrate The bit rate.
resolution The resolution
The clamped bit rate, in bps.
Provided by category AXUtils(Bitrate).
◆ frameSizeForResolution:()
– (AXVideoFrameSize) frameSizeForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the frame size for the given video resolution.
resolution The resolution.
The frame size, in pixels.
Provided by category AXUtils(Resolution).
◆ maxBitrateForResolution:()
– (NSInteger) maxBitrateForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the maximum bit rate for the given resolution.
resolution The resolution
The maximum bit rate, in bps.
Provided by category AXUtils(Bitrate).
◆ minBitrateForResolution:()
– (NSInteger) minBitrateForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the minimum bit rate for the given resolution.
resolution The resolution
The minimum bit rate, in bps.
Provided by category AXUtils(Bitrate).
◆ utils()
+ (instancetype) utils
Factory method for creating a utils object.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ allResolutions
– (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) allResolutions
The list of all the resolutions defined in the SDK, as wrapped values.
Provided by category AXUtils(Resolution).
◆ cameraStatus
– (AVAuthorizationStatus) cameraStatus
Returns the camera authorization status.
Provided by category AXUtils(CaptureDeviceAuthorization).
◆ frameSizes
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSValue *>*) frameSizes
The list of resolution and their corresponding frame sizes, as CGSize wrapped values.
Provided by category AXUtils(Resolution).
◆ hasAccessToCamera
– (BOOL) hasAccessToCamera
Returns YES if the camera was authorized.
Provided by category AXUtils(CaptureDeviceAuthorization).
◆ hasAccessToMicrophone
– (BOOL) hasAccessToMicrophone
Returns YES if the microphone was authorized.
Provided by category AXUtils(CaptureDeviceAuthorization).
◆ hasDeterminedAccessToCamera
– (BOOL) hasDeterminedAccessToCamera
Returns YES if the camera access has been determined.
Provided by category AXUtils(CaptureDeviceAuthorization).
◆ hasDeterminedAccessToMicrophone
– (BOOL) hasDeterminedAccessToMicrophone
Returns YES if the microphone access has been determined.
Provided by category AXUtils(CaptureDeviceAuthorization).
◆ maxBitrates
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSNumber *>*) maxBitrates
The list of maximum bit rates for each resolution.
Provided by category AXUtils(Bitrate).
◆ microphoneStatus
– (AVAuthorizationStatus) microphoneStatus
Returns the microphone authorization status.
Provided by category AXUtils(CaptureDeviceAuthorization).
◆ minBitrates
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSNumber *>*) minBitrates
The list of minimum bit rates for each resolution.
Provided by category AXUtils(Bitrate).
◆ optimalBitrates
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSNumber *>*) optimalBitrates
The list of optimal bit rates for each resolution.
Provided by category AXUtils(Bitrate).
AXUtils(Bitrate) Category Reference
Detailed Description
The bit rate utils.
Method Documentation
◆ bitrateForResolution:()
– (NSInteger) bitrateForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the optimal bit rate for the given resolution.
resolution The resolution
The optimal bit rate, in bps.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ clampBitrate:forResolution:()
– (NSInteger) clampBitrate: (NSInteger) bitrate
forResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Clamps the given bit rate between the recommended minimum and maximum bit rate values, for the given resolution.
The input bit rate should be in bits per second (bps).
bitrate The bit rate.
resolution The resolution
The clamped bit rate, in bps.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ maxBitrateForResolution:()
– (NSInteger) maxBitrateForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the maximum bit rate for the given resolution.
resolution The resolution
The maximum bit rate, in bps.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ minBitrateForResolution:()
– (NSInteger) minBitrateForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the minimum bit rate for the given resolution.
resolution The resolution
The minimum bit rate, in bps.
Extends class AXUtils.
Property Documentation
◆ maxBitrates
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSNumber *>*) maxBitrates
The list of maximum bit rates for each resolution.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ minBitrates
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSNumber *>*) minBitrates
The list of minimum bit rates for each resolution.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ optimalBitrates
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSNumber *>*) optimalBitrates
The list of optimal bit rates for each resolution.
Extends class AXUtils.
AXUtils(CaptureDeviceAuthorization) Category Reference
Detailed Description
The AVCaptureDevice authorization status utils.
Property Documentation
◆ cameraStatus
– (AVAuthorizationStatus) cameraStatus
Returns the camera authorization status.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ hasAccessToCamera
– (BOOL) hasAccessToCamera
Returns YES if the camera was authorized.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ hasAccessToMicrophone
– (BOOL) hasAccessToMicrophone
Returns YES if the microphone was authorized.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ hasDeterminedAccessToCamera
– (BOOL) hasDeterminedAccessToCamera
Returns YES if the camera access has been determined.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ hasDeterminedAccessToMicrophone
– (BOOL) hasDeterminedAccessToMicrophone
Returns YES if the microphone access has been determined.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ microphoneStatus
– (AVAuthorizationStatus) microphoneStatus
Returns the microphone authorization status.
Extends class AXUtils.
AXUtils(Resolution) Category Reference
Detailed Description
The video resolution utils.
Method Documentation
◆ frameSizeForResolution:()
– (AXVideoFrameSize) frameSizeForResolution: (AXVideoFrameResolution) resolution
Provides the frame size for the given video resolution.
resolution The resolution.
The frame size, in pixels.
Extends class AXUtils.
Property Documentation
◆ allResolutions
– (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) allResolutions
The list of all the resolutions defined in the SDK, as wrapped values.
Extends class AXUtils.
◆ frameSizes
– (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSValue *>*) frameSizes
The list of resolution and their corresponding frame sizes, as CGSize wrapped values.
Extends class AXUtils.
AXVideoFrameSize Struct Reference
Detailed Description
The video frame size.
Member Data Documentation
◆ height
NSInteger AXVideoFrameSize::height
The video frame height, in pixels.
◆ width
NSInteger AXVideoFrameSize::width
The video frame width, in pixels.
AXWarning Class Reference
Detailed Description
The SDK warning.
Method Documentation
◆ containsWarningCode:()
– (BOOL) containsWarningCode: (AXWarningCode) warningCode
Determines if the current warning contains a certain warning code.
warningCode The warning code.
YES if the warning code is present, NO otherwise.
◆ warningWithCodes:message:()
+ (instancetype) warningWithCodes: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *) warningCodes
message: (NSString *) message
Factory method for creating a warning object with a list of warnings and a message.
warningCodes The warning codes, wrapped as numbers.
message The warning message.
The initialized object.
Property Documentation
◆ message
– (NSString*) message
The warning message.
◆ warningCodes
– (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) warningCodes
The list of warning codes, wrapped as numbers.
◆ warnings
– (NSString*) warnings
The list of warnings, as a readable string.
We hope that you find the integration of Streamaxia OpenSDK easy. Add live streaming capabilities to your app today!